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Spotlight on the Nattai

By Guy Threlfo on April 07, 2022

Massive sandstone escarpments, such as Grant Head and Golden Moon Bluff, make the Nattai one of NSW's most romantic, wild landscapes. This magnificent wilderness area lies within the uplifted south-west sector of the Permo-Triassic Sydney Basin south-west of Picton, east of the Wollondilly River,...

A brief summary of the case against ‘integrated logging’ for woodchips

By Ac B on April 07, 2022

Integrated logging can be defined as combined harvesting of sawlogs and pulp/woodchips, of which the latter comprise approximately 90% of the trees felled in integrated logging operations. The following points summarise the effects of this practice. Biodiversity In south-east Australia mature forests are complex...

Protecting the South East Forest – A Personal Account

By Colin Sagar on April 06, 2022

Spring 2021 New South Wales' Covid 19 lockdowns have eased allowing some roof-top tent camping by the boulder strewn Towamba River on the edge of the Coolangubra forest at Rocky Hall. Evening supper by the fire and the weather gently closes in. Snug abed,...

Dingoes control feral animals

By Guy Threlfo on February 18, 2022

On a recent ABC Science Show Professor Chris Johnson of James Cook University, Townsville, was interviewed by presenter Robyn Williams about his considered view that Dingoes should be allowed to roam freely in the wild. Williams outlined how Johnson describes three waves of extinction...

Spotlight on the Numbat

By Guy Threlfo on February 15, 2022

The Numbat is a marsupial that mainly inhabits arid and semi-arid environments. You would expect to find them in eucalypt forest, eucalypt woodland, acacia woodlands and triodia grasslands; temperate areas with enough ground cover for these mammals to move about without being easily spotted...

What's not to love about WildCountry in Australia?

By Guy Threlfo on February 15, 2022

Five thousand years ago all the Earth’s surface was wilderness. Today, three-quarters of the planet’s wilderness has been destroyed, while the remainder is under pressure and fast shrinking, devoured by roads, farmlands and bustling urban areas.     Catastrophic consequences have followed. In just a few...

When pride comes before the fall: the problem of anthropocentric hubris

By Haydn Washington on January 04, 2022

My name is Haydn Washington. I have been a wilderness conservationist since 1974 when I became  a leader in the campaign to protect Wollemi. I am an environmental scientist and writer  and am currently an adjunct lecturer at UNSW, Sydney.    During much of...

Never too young to make a difference

By Guy Threlfo on January 04, 2022

At a time when the NSW Government’s plan to raise the Warragamba Dam wall threatens to drown the World Heritage-listed Greater Blue Mountains National Park, a local high school student called Tegan is standing up for the protection of this significant wilderness area. By...

From the archives - Wilderness

By Dierk von Behrens on January 04, 2022

Wilderness  In wilderness we see, we feel and smell Life as it was, as it is: whole and well, Undisturbed by technology – Rampant, a rage – That powerful feature Of our age.   This land was managed Through kinship and lore, By Aboriginal...

Stay informed

Australian Foundation for Wilderness Limited
ACN 001 112 143
ABN 84 001 112 143
Advocating as 'Wilderness Australia'
Formerly The Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd
Registered Office 8/154 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
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