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Infrastructure NSW attempts cover up of possible Aboriginal burial site

March 20, 2019

Yet another cover-up by Infrastructure NSW has been reveled today over the raising of Warragamba Dam wall. Kazan Brown, a Gundungurra traditional owner, has said Infrastructure NSW was silent over the discovery of possible human remains in the valley that would be flooded by...

Liberal’s flyer on dam ‘load of bull’

March 19, 2019

The NSW Liberals have distributed a flyer to western Sydney seats as part of their fear campaign pushing for the raising of Warragamba Dam wall (attached). The flyer claims that NSW Labor’s opposition to the dam raising would put thousands of lives at risk...

Liberals flyer on dam ‘load of bull’

March 19, 2019

The NSW Liberals have distributed a flyer to western Sydney seats as part of their fear campaign pushing for the raising of Warragamba Dam wall (attached). The flyer claims that NSW Labor’s opposition to the dam raising would put thousands of lives at risk...

Another secret plan for Warragamba Dam

March 18, 2019

After secret plans to raise Warragamba Dam wall by 17 metres (not 14 metres) were leaked to the media last week[1], the Premier has accidentally divulged yet another secret Infrastructure NSW plan for the controversial dam project.

Secret plans to raise Warragamba by 17 metres

March 15, 2019

It has been revealed today that Infrastructure NSW has secret plans to raise the Warragamba Dam wall by 17 metres. This is despite the department saying both in the NSW Parliament and publicly that the dam wall will only be raised by 14 metres....

Students GIVE A DAM

March 15, 2019

The students of Blue Mountains High Schools are gathering at Town Hall today to not only speak out about climate change, but also the plight of the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area which is under threat from the rising of Warragamba Dam wall.

GIVE A DAM pre-election campaign launch in Penrith

March 05, 2019

The NSW Liberal Government is wanting to raise the wall of Warragamba Dam by 14 metres for flood mitigation, holding an additional two Sydney Harbours of floodwaters behind the dam up to 5 weeks at a time.

Documentary on Warragamba Dam raising to be launched

February 14, 2019

GIVE A DAM: Flooding the Blue Mountains is set to premiere in Springwood on Saturday February 16. The documentary showcases the beauty of the southern Blue Mountains and the impact raising Warragamba Dam wall would have on the world heritage area. Harry Burkitt, GIVE...

Floodplain property developer linked to Liberal Party

February 06, 2019

It has been reported today that the director of a multi-million dollar floodplain development company, owning land downstream of the proposed Warragamba Dam wall, donated $550,000 to the NSW division of the Liberal Party over the last 3 years, according to the Australian Electoral...

Dam plan to cause further extinction

December 14, 2018

Another threatened bird species has been found in the same valley that would be flooded under the NSW Liberal Government’s plan to raise the Warragamba Dam wall to allow development on western Sydney floodplains. The vulnerable-listed Painted honeyeater was discovered by Australian National University...

NSW Government slammed by global World Heritage body on dam plan

November 14, 2018

The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the international body that advises the World Heritage Committee on cultural heritage, has expressed grave concern about the impacts raising Warragamba Dam wall would have on the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.

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Australian Foundation for Wilderness Limited
ACN 001 112 143
ABN 84 001 112 143
Advocating as 'Wilderness Australia'
Formerly The Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd
Registered Office 8/154 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
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