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Government committee admits to flaws in dam’s assessment proces

October 11, 2018

A government majority committee has admitted the NSW Government’s own environmental and economic assessments being undertaken for the Warragamba Dam raising proposal is inadequate.

Government committee admits to flaws in dam’s assessment process

October 11, 2018

A government majority committee has admitted the NSW Government’s own environmental and economic assessments being undertaken for the Warragamba Dam raising proposal is inadequate.

SES admits housing more people on floodplain is dangerous

October 05, 2018

Peter Cinque from the State Emergency Services (SES) admitted in an upper house inquiry yesterday that he believes the Government’s plan to house an additional 134,000 people[1] on the Hawkesbury-Nepean floodplain would dramatically increase risk to life.

Coalition of experts condemn dam plan

October 02, 2018

A letter has been sent to the NSW Premier by over 20 prominent scientists, park managers and former environment ministers condemning legislation to allow dam inundation of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.

Hawkesbury City Council votes down motion to support raising Warragamba Dam wall

April 11, 2018

Hawkesbury City Council last night voted down a motion to support the raising of theWarragamba Dam wall. Councilors voted 5-7 to reject a Liberal motion to support thedam wall raising, with numerous Councillors voicing concern that they were being askedto vote on a proposal...

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Australian Foundation for Wilderness Limited
ACN 001 112 143
ABN 84 001 112 143
Advocating as 'Wilderness Australia'
Formerly The Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd
Registered Office 8/154 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
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