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Infrastructure NSW faces litmus test over dam wall cultural assessment

August 12, 2019

Following a secretive release of the Warragamba Dam Raising Draft Indigenous Cultural Assessment, Infrastructure NSW is facing a litmus test over its plans to raise the Warragamba Dam wall from western Sydney councils.


August 09, 2019

Blue Mountains and Wollondilly councils are calling on the state government to extend the community consultation period for the Cultural Heritage Assessment for the Warragamba Dam wall proposal.

MEDIA RELEASE: Leaked graphs undercut Warragamba Dam wall plans

August 06, 2019

Plans to raise Warragamba Dam for flood mitigation have been challenged after the leaking of NSW Government charts showing a 14-metre lifting of the wall only provides small benefit during extreme flood events.

Leaked graphs undercut Warragamba Dam wall plans

August 05, 2019

Plans to raise Warragamba Dam for flood mitigation have been challenged after the leaking of NSW Government charts showing a 14-metre lifting of the wall only provides small benefit during extreme flood events

Gundungurra people reject Government Cultural Assessment on Warragamba Dam Raising

July 30, 2019

We, the Gundungurra people of the southern Blue Mountains, are launching own campaign against the NSW Government's survey assessment (released to us earlier this month) on the raising of Warragamba Dam wall. 

UNESCO takes action on Warragamba Dam wall

July 03, 2019

The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO has asserted that any new dam proposals are incompatible with world heritage status at its annual meeting in Azerbaijan today. The Committee has said that raising Warragamba Dam wall and intermittently flooding large areas of the Greater Blue...

Select Committee formed to examine Warragamba Dam

June 20, 2019

Today it was announced that a NSW Upper House committee will be established to examine the proposal to raise Warragamba Dam wall. The committee will have a Labor-Independent majority, with One Nation already voicing their opposition to the dam proposal in the NSW Parliament...

Committee formed to examine Warragamba Dam

June 20, 2019

Today it was announced that a NSW Upper House committee will be established to examine the proposal to raise Warragamba Dam wall. The committee will have a Labor-Independent majority, with One Nation already voicing their opposition to the dam proposal in the NSW Parliament...

Leaked document reveals dam to have “permanent” impact on world heritage

June 13, 2019

In a leaked document provided to the herald today it has been revealed raising Warragamba Dam wall would result in an “overall high direct (physical) impact” to the world-famous area.

Protesters demand Federal intervention on Warragamba dam

June 09, 2019

Over 900 people marched in Katoomba (NSW) today demanding that the Australian Federal Government protect the UNESCO listed Blue Mountains World Heritage Site from flooding by the raising the Warragamba Dam wall. 48 nails were hammered into a coffin that was carried throughout the...

Hundreds to march on Katoomba against dam

June 07, 2019

2019Over 500 people are expected to march on Katoomba main street this coming Sunday against the raising of Warragamba Dam wall at 11:00am on Katoomba street. A media stunt will also be performed

GIVE A DAM takes campaign to Paris

April 10, 2019

GIVE A DAM will be taking its fight against the raising of the Warragamba Dam wall to UNESCO this week. GIVE A DAM Campaigner, Harry Burkitt, will be leading the trip and meeting with member delegations of the World Heritage Committee in Paris over the...

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Australian Foundation for Wilderness Limited
ACN 001 112 143
ABN 84 001 112 143
Advocating as 'Wilderness Australia'
Formerly The Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd
Registered Office 8/154 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
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