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August 31, 2023

Stop Work Order issued for logging operation in Tallaganda State Forest

A Stop Work Order has been issued to Forestry Corporation of NSW, ceasing logging operation in Tallaganda State Forest! This is a glimmer of hope for the endangered Greater Glider.

After a complaint was made by Wilderness Australia about an intensive logging operation in Tallaganda State Forest, the Environment Protection Authority has issued Forestry Corporation of NSW with a Stop Work Order.

What is a Stop Work Order?

A Stop Work Order is a legal order used by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) in extreme cases of a breach in forestry legislation. If there is sufficient evidence, a Stop Work Order can cease the operation in question for up to 40 days.

Why was a Stop Work Oder issued to Forestry Corporation of NSW by the EPA?

The Stop Work Order was issued after EPA officers discovered a deceased Southern Greater Glider ~50 metres from logging operations in Tallaganda State Forest. This inspection of Tallaganda's active logging compartments was instigated after an urgent request was made by Wilderness Australia on 28th August to investigate this logging operation.

Wilderness Australia supporters were also quick to rise to the occasion and call on the NSW Environment Minister, Penny Sharpe, to take urgent action. We had 660 people make a submission on this issue, so a huge thank you to everyone who got involved. It's clear your efforts had an astounding effect on this outcome.

Why did Wilderness Australia make the initial complaint to the EPA?

Following up on rumours of logging operations in critical Greater Glider habitat, Wilderness Australia’s ecologist Andrew Wong inspected Tallaganda State Forest over 25th- 26th August. What he found was a shocking and intensive logging operation which is occurring in a large unburnt area of core Greater Glider habitat. This is despite the NSW Forestry Corporation admitting they found 400 greater gliders in the area prior to logging. Greater Gliders were listed last year as an endangered species, and continue to experience a rapid decline due to logging and other threats. It was clear that a Stop Work Order was needed to give time for an independent assessment of the logging impacts on this outstanding Greater Glider habitat.

What's the next step?

The Stop Work Order is in place for 40 days and Forestry Corporation of NSW must now cease all operations in the areas of concern in the Tallaganda State Forest. We now need to keep the pressure on the government and ensure this Stop Work Order turns into permanent protection for Greater Gliders. You can keep up to date with the next steps here.

How can I help?

You can make a submission to the NSW Minister for Environment, Penny Sharpe, asking for the permanent protection of Great Gliders here

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Another greater glider stronghold safe for now?

November 22, 2024

We can now confirm that after a concerted campaign by Wilderness Australia to find and record the den trees of the endangered greater glider, Forestry Corporation NSW (FCNSW) has withdrawn from two significant strongholds: Tallaganda and Badja State Forests.

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Australian Foundation for Wilderness Limited
ACN 001 112 143
ABN 84 001 112 143
Advocating as 'Wilderness Australia'
Formerly The Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd
Registered Office 8/154 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
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