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April 09, 2024

Make a submission on the Redbank Power Station before 11th April

The threat of biomass burning has resurfaced in NSW.

Verdant Earth Technologies (Verdant) is proposing to re-open the Redbank Power Station (near Singleton, NSW) to operate as a biomass power station, using trees cleared on farms under woefully weak land clearing laws.

Despite putting an end to this project’s threat to native forests at the end of 2022, Verdant has honed in on weak tree clearing laws in NSW to find an alternative source of fuel. 

So while the project cannot generate Clean Energy Certificates under the Federal Renewable Energy Act, the company intends to plow ahead with a project that will emit more greenhouse gas than the coal once burned at Redbank. 

The last thing NSW needs is another major driver of forest clearing, habitat loss and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) from Verdant’s project is currently on exhibition and we are calling on our supporters to make a submission!

Follow these steps to help put a stop to this project:

  1. Head to the NSW Planning Portal to make a submission 
  2. Click on ‘Make a Submission’ (top right corner)
  3. Login or create a profile 
  4. Fill in your details and answer the questions
  5. Select whether you are supporting or objecting this project
  6. Write your comments in the box provided (the main points for objection are outlined below for your convenience)

Key points to include in your submission:

  • This project will create a new market for wildlife habitat destruction and incentivise native tree clearing;
  • 1,480,000 dry tonnes of wood is anticipated to be produced from clearing in years 1-4 of the project. This high volume should make it a matter of National Environmental Significance and require assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 for its impacts on federally listed threatened species;
  • The EIS fails to sufficiently identify the specific areas and species to be cleared or reflect on the cumulative impacts of intensive clearing over the life of the project;
  • The EIS fails to account for greenhouse gas emissions from the broad scale tree clearing that underpins this project. The NSW Government should analyse the gross level of emissions attributable to tree clearing over the life of the project;
  • Biomass burning is not clean. It emits more greenhouse gases per unit of energy than coal. Biomass burning is not GREEN. Clearing native vegetation destroys habitat and prevents desperately needed ecological recovery;
  • Over time, the effects of land clearing - through fragmentation and disturbance - further degrade the condition and habitat values of remaining vegetation;

The NSW Government has committed to reigning in excessive land clearing and acknowledges that the State’s environment laws fail to protect biodiversity, including our endangered Koalas and Greater Gliders. It is ludicrous to approve a project that depends on retaining, not fixing, weak clearing laws. 

Remember, the deadline for submissions is 11th April - don’t miss out on this opportunity to take action for our native forests!

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Another greater glider stronghold safe for now?

November 22, 2024

We can now confirm that after a concerted campaign by Wilderness Australia to find and record the den trees of the endangered greater glider, Forestry Corporation NSW (FCNSW) has withdrawn from two significant strongholds: Tallaganda and Badja State Forests.

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Australian Foundation for Wilderness Limited
ACN 001 112 143
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