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February 20, 2022

Lower Blue Mountains voters don't support Sarah Richards' position on Warragamba Dam

Residents of the lower Blue Mountains have said they are seriously alarmed that Sarah Richards, the Liberal candidate for the marginal seat of Macquarie, is actively trying to secure funding to raise the Warragamba Dam wall and put the World Heritage Listing of the Blue Mountains at risk. It comes as Sarah Richards was quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald today saying that she "will definitely be on the phone" making her pitch to Scott Morrison to raise the Warragamba Dam wall.

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Another greater glider stronghold safe for now?

November 22, 2024

We can now confirm that after a concerted campaign by Wilderness Australia to find and record the den trees of the endangered greater glider, Forestry Corporation NSW (FCNSW) has withdrawn from two significant strongholds: Tallaganda and Badja State Forests.

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Australian Foundation for Wilderness Limited
ACN 001 112 143
ABN 84 001 112 143
Advocating as 'Wilderness Australia'
Formerly The Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd
Registered Office 8/154 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
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