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Volunteer with Wilderness Australia

Volunteers show their love of nature in Australia by helping us advocate to keep our wild places safe, healthy and resilient.

The support of people like you helps us deliver high-impact campaigns that achieve large-scale, long-term benefits for nature in Australia.

As a volunteer, you can help in our Sydney-based office, play crucial roles in campaign related events and activities, or choose to get involved in a variety of other ways.

You can indicate your willingness to volunteer by completing the form on this page and we’ll be sure to get in contact as opportunities become available.


Can you volunteer?

Australian Foundation for Wilderness Limited
ACN 001 112 143
ABN 84 001 112 143
Advocating as 'Wilderness Australia'
Formerly The Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd
Registered Office 8/154 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
Built by Code Nation using NationBuilder
Design by Think Creative Agency and Guy Threlfo