Wilderness Australia’s ecologist Andrew Wong inspected Tallaganda State Forest (located east of Canberra in south east NSW) to follow up on rumours of logging operations in critical Greater Glider habitat. What he found was a shocking and intensive logging operation which is occurring in a large unburnt area of core Greater Glider habitat.
This area, which they are now on the edge of, is designated for logging.
It is home to countless old growth trees which provide critical habitat for the endangered greater glider.
Tallaganda State Forest is one of just two large areas of this type of forest that remained completely unburned after the Black Summer bushfires of 2019-20.
This means the greater glider population in Tallaganda is likely to be one of the densest in Australia, residing in a critical post-fire refuge that will undoubtedly be a source for repopulation of the surrounding landscape over coming decades.
As we head into our next dangerous fire season, it would be culpable to increase fire risk in this unburned area when we know that logging helps dry out forests and increases fire severity.
We must do everything possible to retain the resistance to fire of old growth forests.
Here lies the current logging site.
The Forestry Corporation of NSW have stated that their own pre-logging surveys found almost 400 greater gliders within the logging area... which they have then proceeded to log.
The forest habitat in the background of all these logging photos is designated to be logged next.
An urgent intervention is needed to ensure the greater glider is not being driven towards local extinction.
It is crucial that the NSW Government immediately halt logging in Tallaganda to give time for an independent assessment of the logging impacts on this outstanding Greater Glider habitat.
Wilderness Australia has asked the Environment Protection Authority to enact an urgent Stop Work Order to allow this verification process to take place.
*UPDATE* The EPA has now issued a Stop Work Order! Our voices are being heard. You can still take action below by writing to Penny Sharpe asking for the permanent protection of Greater Gliders.
You can help by writing to the NSW Environment Minister, Penny Sharpe, letting her know that logging of this critically endangered species habitat must be urgently halted to allow thorough scientific assessment and proper protection.